International Foundation for Research in Paraplegia | Research Grants & Postdoctoral fellowships


Event details

Date 31.10.2024
Category Call for proposal
IRP – International Foundation for Research in Paraplegia allocates funds to support basic and clinical research in paraplegia in Switzerland and around the world, on the recommendation of the IRP Scientific Committee, for projects based in Europe, an independent body composed of international experts in the field of neuroscience.

Unique deadline: 31 October 2024

IRP Research Grants :
IRP invites researchers active in the field of basic or clinical research on CNS Regeneration, Neuroprotection and functional restoration with special emphasis to the spinal cord to submit their application for an IRP Research Grant. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of scientific quality and relevance to paraplegia for research proposals studying mechanisms of injury and repair, as well as long term recovery. Research projects may address all aspects of CNS and spinal cord lesions, nerve regeneration, trophic support of lesioned neurons, and functional changes induced by lesions, preferentially in mammals. Clinical research projects can be situated in the fields of diagnosis, acute lesion management including surgery, neurology, urology, rehabilitation, and other areas related to paraplegia.
Up to 150,000 Swiss Francs for two years
The Grant doesn’t cover additional overhead costs.
Researchers of any nationality
Projects must be realized in Europe.
Applications from Junior groups are welcome.

Invitation to apply

Evaluation criteria:
Research projects submitted for an IRP Research Grant undergo a rigorous selection process by the IRP Scientific Committee.
In line with its mission to encourage young scientists to focus their work on research into paraplegia, IRP invites them to submit their application for an IRP Postdoctoral Fellowship. Subsidies are of the following types:
  1. A fellowship for up to 2 years in an outstanding basic research laboratory specialised in one or several aspects of CNS and spinal cord lesions and repair, preferentially in mammals. A 3rd year may be attributed to a fellow who returns to Switzerland from abroad.
  2. A 1 year fellowship in a clinical research laboratory situated in the fields of diagnosis and acute lesion management of spinal cord injury, including surgery, neurology, urology, rehabilitation, and other areas related to paraplegia.
Funding and allowances:
Up to CHF 80,000.- per year up to 2 years distributed as:
  • Living allowance: 70’000.- CHF/year
  • Research and travel allowance: up to 9’000.- CHF/year
  • Family support and child allowances can be paid depending on the fellow’s situation.
  • Laboratory financial backing to be discussed on a per case basis
- Young Swiss researcher wanting to study overseas
- or a young overseas researcher wanting to pursue his/her academic career in Switzerland.

Invitation to apply

Evaluation criteria:
Research projects submitted for an IRP Postdoctoral Fellowship undergo a rigorous selection process by the IRP Scientific Committee, focused on criteria of excellence.


Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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