Knot homologies, BPS states, and super-A-polynomials


Event details

Date 15.12.2014
Hour 15:1517:00
Speaker Piotr Sułkowski (Caltech/Warsaw)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Interactions between knot theory, quantum field theory, and string theory have always been very fruitful, and various ideas in physics often led to important results in knot theory. Examples of such results include reformulation of knot polynomials as quantum correlators in Chern-Simons theory or a discovery of integral Ooguri-Vafa invariants. One of the most exciting recent developments at the border of knot theory and physics relate to reinterpretation of knot homologies as spaces of BPS states in D-brane systems in string theory. In this talk, after summarizing relevant background, I will review some recent results - in particular I will present conjectural form of so-called colored superpolynomials and super-A-polynomials for various knots, which have been determined based on insights from physics.

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  • Expert
  • Free


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