Leukemia & Lymphoma Society | Research Accelerator for Follicular Lymphoma


Event details

Date 09.09.2024
Category Call for proposal
Aim: LLS and IFLI are jointly funding creative and ambitious research and development proposals under the RAFL program. Research will be aimed to understand the fundamental biology of FL progression, to develop new targets and therapies, and to launch clinical programs that can address the unmet FL patient needs. Ultimately, the overarching goal is to achieve a cure in which FL is eradicated, and therapy can be discontinued.

Innovative projects that have the potential for high impact in the field of FL may cover discovery, translational and clinical research. Successful candidates will be established investigators in FL or related fields with demonstrated track-records of significant contributions. Cross-disciplinary collaboration including industry partnership is encouraged. Teams may be strengthened with investigators who bring special expertise in epigenetic or apoptotic control, computational skills, data science/AI, animal model development, neoantigen discovery and antibody treatment to the project in FL.

Research Focus Areas can be found here.

There are two funding mechanisms under this call:
  • Synergistic Team Awards (STA) will support a coordinated, focused and significant effort to understand central disease mechanisms and develop effective novel therapies in treating FL.
  • Translational Awards (TRL) will support translational research that moves potential therapeutic candidates toward clinical trials within 2-3 years.

Synergistic Team Awards (STA): up to $6.5 M
Translational Awards (TRL): up to $1.75M

up to 5 years

Eligibility: The program welcomes applications worldwide from appropriate academic institutions and investigators of any nationality. Applicants must hold a PhD, MD, DVM, or equivalent degree and must be affiliated with a nonprofit Institution at the time funding commences and for the duration of the award. Applications may involve multiple institutions. Applicants (PI) must be independent investigators affiliated with a non-profit Institution.

How to Apply: The 2-stage application process begins with a Letter of Intent, to be submitted on the LLS Research Portal at https://lls.fluxx.io/.

Letter of Intent – 9 September 2024
Full Application – 13 January 2025

Further information
  • More information about the program, guidelines, and instructions are available here
  • The application portal can be found here
  • For any other questions, please contact the Research Office

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free

Event broadcasted in
