Macdonald theory from switching limits


Event details

Date 10.11.2014
Hour 15:1517:00
Speaker Erik Carlsson, (ICTP Trieste)
Category Conferences - Seminars
in geometric representation theory, one often wants to study pushforwards of sheaves on a space Y that is not necessarily smooth or projective. A common practice is to imbed the space in a well-behaved space X (projective space, for instance), consider the fundamental class [O_Y] in the K theory of X, and apply the projection formula. We can deduce this formula when X,Y are ind-varieties from the finite dimensional filtrations X_i,Y_j provided that we may switch the two limits. I'll present some subtle conditions for when certain limits switch in the case when X is the infinite dimensional Grassmannian variety, and show how this implies some interesting and well-known results in Macdonald theory, following a geometric idea of Graeme Segal. This talk should be very down to earth and self contained.

Practical information

  • Expert
  • Free


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