Making sense of membrane diversity in vesicular trafficking pathways, atom by atom.


Event details

Date 02.09.2015
Hour 15:0016:00
Speaker Stefano Vanni
Category Conferences - Seminars
Biological membranes play an essential role in many cellular signaling pathways. Yet, because of difficulties in performing structural studies on lipid membranes, several of their molecular properties remain elusive, thus preventing to establish clear structure-function relationships. To overcome these limitations, we adopted a multidisciplinary approach that combines molecular dynamics simulations, topographic analysis, and experimental measurements in vitro and in vivo. We apply this methodology to elucidate the role of membrane properties in different vesicular trafficking pathways, including the role of membrane curvature and composition in protein recruitment to intracellular organelles and the role of polyunsaturated lipids in endocytic processes.

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