MechE Colloquium: Ultrasonic Microrobotics in Liquids


Event details

Date 12.04.2022
Hour 12:0013:00
Speaker Prof. Jürg Dual, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, Institute for Mechanical Systems, ETHZ
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Face masks are recommended for in-person attendance in MED 0 1418.

Microscale acoustofluidics, which deals with the manipulation of small particles (e.g. functionalized beads, cells, small organisms, etc.) in a microchip, has recently seen much attention in view of its rich effects involving fluid and solid mechanics, the resulting fluid structure interaction and a multitude of possible applications from biomedical engineering to food science. When an acoustic cavity is excited harmonically at large amplitudes, non zero time averaged effects result from the nonlinearity of the Navier Stokes equations, which include acoustic streaming (AS) and acoustic radiation forces (ARF) acting on the particles. For very simple cases, analytical solutions for the ARF like the Gorkov potential exist. Both theory and applications are expanding rapidly towards more general situations and new application directions like cell secretome separation, advanced manufacturing and manipulation of living organisms.

Jürg Dual has been Full Professor of Mechanics and Experimental Dynamics in the Center of Mechanics of the Institute of Mechanical Systems at the ETH in Zurich since October 1, 1998. He was President of the Planning Commission (2000-​2004) and of the University Assembly (2008-​2012) of ETH Zurich. Jürg Dual was born on May 14, 1957 and studied mechanical engineering at the ETH Zurich. He then spent two years on a Fulbright grant at the University of California in Berkeley, where he graduated with a M.S. and a M. Eng. degree in mechanical engineering. He then received his Dr. sc. techn. degree at the ETH Zurich under the guidance of Prof. Dr. M. Sayir at the Institute of Mechanics. For his dissertation he was awarded the Latsis Prize of the ETH Zurich in 1989. After one year as visiting assistant professor at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, he returned to the ETH Zurich as assistant professor. He is a Fellow of the ASME, member of the SATW (Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences) and Honorary Member of the German Association for Materials Research and Testing. His research focuses on wave propagation and vibrations in solids, micro-​ and nanosystem technology as well as gravitation. In particular he is interested in both basic research and applications in the area of sensors (viscometry), ultrasonic manipulation of cells and particles and gravitational interaction of resonating systems. In his research, experimentation is central, but must always be embedded in corresponding analytical and numerical modeling. As mechanics is a very basic science, it is particularly attractive for him to interact with neighbouring disciplines like bioengineering, materials science or micro-​ and nanosystem technology.

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  • Free



MechE Colloquium: Ultrasonic Microrobotics in Liquids
