MechE Seminar: Enabling the energy transition through flexible hydropower: novel approaches for predicting flow-induced resonances from laboratory to full-scale machines


Event details

Date 06.07.2023
Hour 15:1516:15
Speaker Dr. Arthur Favrel, Hydro-Quebec Research Institute (IREQ) and Laval University (Canada)
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Abstract: Hydropower is playing a pivotal role in the energy transition by providing clean energy and advanced ancillary services to the Electrical Power System (EPS) to compensate for the volatility of wind and solar energy sources. This role requires enhanced operational flexibility, which translates to more frequent transient and off-design operations. In such operating conditions, hydropower units with reaction turbines sustain various unsteady flow phenomena, putting at risk the stability and integrity of the hydro-mechanical and electrical components. Prediction of these occurrences is therefore crucial to ensure reliable operations while providing ancillary services to the EPS. In the first part of this presentation, various flow phenomena observed in reaction hydro-turbines will be first described and illustrated, along with their effects on hydropower unit’s components, highlighting some of the latest works in this field. In the second part, it will be shown how the occurrence of flow-induced resonances in full-scale hydropower units can be predicted by combining reduced-scale model tests in laboratories and one-dimensional hydro-acoustic modelling. Finally, the detection and characterization of such phenomena through data-driven methods in the context of a hydropower utility will be discussed, concluding with new research perspectives for hydropower digitalization and flexibility enhancement.

Biography: Arthur Favrel is a researcher at the Hydro-Quebec Research Institute in Canada and an Adjunct Professor at Laval University (Canada). He is also an Associate Editor for the Journal of Fluids Engineering published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He graduated in mechanical engineering in 2011 from Université Claude Bernard in Lyon, France, and obtained his PhD in 2016 from École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. After two years as a postdoctoral researcher at the EPFL Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, he joined Waseda University, Japan, in 2018 as a postdoctoral researcher in the Turbomachinery and Systems Laboratory, where he then became an Assistant Professor in 2019. In his current function at Hydro-Quebec since 2021, his research aims to develop digital twins of hydropower units’ components for advanced asset management by combining data-driven methods and physics-based models. He is the author and co-author of 25 articles in international journals and 30 conference papers and is a contributor to the IEC Technical Specification 62882 published in 2020.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


MechE Seminar: Enabling the energy transition through flexible hydropower: novel approaches for predicting flow-induced resonances from laboratory to full-scale machines
