MechE Seminar: Filling gaps between linear and nonlinear flow models and instability controls


Event details

Date 06.07.2023
Hour 12:4513:45
Speaker Dr. Eunok Yim, GE Renewable Energy Hydropower
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Abstract: Leading order approximation, the linear analysis is simple and gives us the dominant characteristics of flow and the instability threshold. However, it fails as soon as the perturbation amplitude becomes large and the nonlinear effects set in. On the other hand, fully nonlinear analysis, direct numerical simulations (DNS), experiments and observations can provide accurate results but they can be too complex to reveal the underlying physics and are mostly dependent on model by model. My previous academic research interests were to develop methods which can link these two analyses and provide better prediction models by using semi-linear approaches and further application to flow control. In this talk, some examples are shown and possible extensions to hydropower research will be presented.

Biography: After receiving her MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering in KAIST, South Korea, Eunok did her PhD in École Polytechnique in Palaiseau, France on stability of columnar and pancake vortices in stratified and rotating flow. During her postdoc at M2P2, Aix-Marseille Univ., she worked on transition to turbulence in a rotor-stator cavity. Then, she worked on semi-linear flow modeling and flow controls at LFMI, EPFL. Currently, she is working on hydro generator CFD and thermal modeling at GE Renewable Energy Hydropower.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


MechE Seminar: Filling gaps between linear and nonlinear flow models and instability controls
