Melting icebergs, severe draughts, dying penguins – how can OR save our planet?


Event details

Date 04.07.2023
Hour 15:0016:00
Speaker Cynthia Zeng (4th year PhD candidate) Operations Research Center at MIT
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Abstract: Melting icebergs, pervasive draughts, dying penguins - our climate is changing due to global warming. As a society, we have to adapt to the new climate regime, can OR save the world? The answer is, obviously, no; at least, not alone. In this talk, I showcase attempts on how we can help address sustainability issues as an OR/AI researcher. Specifically, I will present two lines of work: 1) a multimodal approach to natural disaster forecasting, for hurricanes and flood prediction 2) an industry collaboration work on reducing air pollution via near-term weather forecasting with OCP Group, the largest phosphate fertiliser producer in the world. This talk is intended to extend an open invitation to fellow OR/ML researchers on how we can apply OR to address the global climate crisis.

Bio sketch: Cynthia Zeng is a forth year PhD candidate at the Operations Research Center at MIT, advised by Professor Dimitris Bertsimas. Her research focuses on developing machine learning and optimization methods to address issues around climate change and sustainability. She is passionate making our world a better place through technology. Before her doctoral studies, she has worked as a quantitative analyst at BlackRock (London), investment analyst at SoftBank Vision Fund (China). She received her Bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Imperial College London. Outside of work, she enjoys volunteering, traveling, skiing, reading, and golf.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required


  • Prof. Daniel Kuhn
