Microsoft Research India Overview


Event details

Date 13.07.2015
Hour 10:1511:30
Category Conferences - Seminars
By : Sriram Rajamani - Microsoft Research

Established in 2005, Microsoft Research India recently celebrated its 10th year anniversary. We give an overview of research at MSR India. We cover our systems work (specifically, cloud security, privacy and language and tool support for machine learning) in some detail, and give a brief tour of our work in theory, machine learning and  the role of technology in socio-economic development. We also present career opportunities at MSR India (we are hiring!), and encourage EPFL students to apply.

Sriram Rajamani is an Assistant Managing Director of Microsoft Research India. Over the years he has worked on a variety of topics ---programming languages, program analysis tools, machine learning and security. He got a PhD in CS from UC Berkeley. He is the co-winner of the CAV 2011 award for his work on Software Model Checking. He has served as general chair of POPL 2015, program chair of CAV 2005. He co-founded the ISEC conference and Mysore Park workshop series in India.

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  • General public
  • Free
  • This event is internal


  • Host : Jim Larus

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