Mid-Term Review, Studio "Water in the city" / Point Supreme


Event details

Date 20.03.2023
Hour 09:0014:00
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Athens has lost its relation to water. Part of a general absence of any conscious, let alone designed, integration of nature in the contemporary city, the presence of water has been completely eradicated from the city center and its urban experience ; an ironic fact considering that in Ancient times Athens was covered by a network of rivers that were sacred.  Athenians considered water to be a supreme good, an inextricable part of daily routine with cisterns at the center of the Academies. 

The rivers of Athens were built upon and tu ned into highways in the years of intense construction. There are extremely few public or open pools. There are not even any drinking fountains on streets or public spaces. It is difficult to explain why and how the city erased water from its daily public life so dramatically, especially considering the climate change causing record-high global temperatures and life-threatening heat waves that are going to be longer and more frequent, a condition coupled with reduced rainfalls.

At the same time there exists the underground Hadrian Aqueduct, a 20km long ancient monument from 140CE, that still has water running below the city. 

It is therefore urgent to bring back the presence and public use of water, creating new types of quality public spaces for citizens to be closer to nature, in turn creating a more efficient and resilient city with more walking and biking, less motorized transport and a more enjoyable urban life.

Water has always been a significant part of the construction and identity of cities worldwide, whether with an emphasis on program (leisure), the creation of icons or functionality (aquaducts). The studio will study examples of water projects in the scale of the city.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Point Supreme


  • Grégory dos Santos

Event broadcasted in
