ML-based Text Steganography


Event details

Date 09.07.2019
Hour 11:3013:30
Speaker Andreas Hug
Category Conferences - Seminars
EDIC candidacy exam
Exam president: Prof. Robert West
Thesis advisor: Prof. Katerina Argyraki
Thesis co-advisor: Prof. Martin Jaggi
Co-examiner: Prof. Carmela Troncoso

Linguistic steganography systems are becoming more important with rising concerns and awareness
for user privacy. The field of natural language processing has recently witnessed tremendous
improvements in a multitude of applications that could potentially be useful.
In this report, we discuss an existing linguistic steganography approach, a new encoder-decoder
architecture and an instance of a generative adversarial network for discrete sequences. We discuss
how these three methods can be combined to create better linguistic stegosystems. Lastly, we give
a glimpse on the work done by us during this academic year as well as a short outlook on future

Background papers
Matryoshka: Hiding Secret Communication in Plain Sight, by Safaka, I., Fragouli, C., Argyraki K.
Attention is all you need, by Vaswani, A., et al.
SeqGAN: Sequence Generative Adversarial Nets with Policy, by Yu, L., et al.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


EDIC candidacy exam
