Models and algorithms for transit centric urban mobility


Event details

Date 23.11.2023
Hour 11:0012:00
Speaker Prof. Samitha Samaranayake
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Affordable, equitable and efficient access to personal mobility is a fundamental societal need---with broad implications for personal well-being, economic mobility, education, and public health. While shared mobility, autonomy and electrification seem to be getting most of the attention in the research community and industry (at least in the US), it is hard to envision a transportation system that is sustainable, equitable and scalable without a significant mass-transit component. This raises many interesting questions on when and how new technologies (e.g., mobility-on-demand services) can be integrated with mass transit to improve personal mobility. This talk will focus on some algorithmic and practical questions related to designing and operating such integrated multi-modal transit systems. We will discuss the problem setting at a high-level and talk about some specific algorithms for (bus) line-planning in the multi-modal setting (including line generation). We will also have some discussion on equity considerations if time permits.  

Short bio
Samitha Samaranayake is an Assistant Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University with graduate field faculty affiliations in Operations Research and Information Engineering, the Center for Applied Mathematics, and Systems Engineering. His primary research interest is in the modeling, analysis and control of transportation systems with a focus on societal considerations such as sustainability and equity, and developing computationally efficient solution techniques and algorithms that enable practical applications. He received an NSF CAREER Award in 2021. Prior to joining Cornell he was a Postdoctoral Associate in the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems at MIT. He completed his Ph.D. in Systems Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley in December 2014. He has worked in the server technologies group at Oracle, the design for test (DFT) group at Synopsys, the route planning/transit team at Google and the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA). Samitha received his Bachelors and M.Eng. in Computer Science from MIT and an M.Sc. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.

Sandwiches are offered at the end of the seminar.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Prof. Olga Fink (IMOS), Prof. Alexandre Alahi (VITA), Prof. Dusan Licina (HOBEL), Prof. Alain Nussbaumer (RESSLab)


  • Prof. Nikolaos Geroliminis


