"Numerical simulation using reduced order models: algorithms and applications"


Event details

Date 12.03.2015
Hour 14:3015:30
Speaker Prof. Alfio Quarteroni, EPFL, SB, Modeling and Scientific Computing – MATHICSE-CMCS
PPB 019
Category Conferences - Seminars
This talk will address the challenge of complexity in numerical simulations of complex physical problems. When the latter exhibit a multiscale and or a multiphysics nature,  appropriate mathematical models and accurate numerical methods are required to catch the essential features of the manifold components of the physical solution. Often the associated numerical problem is so large that devising computational reduction techniques, and developing efficient parallel algorithms by exploiting a dimensional reduction paradigm, becomes necessary.

The presentation will elaborate on some of these issues and illustrate a few representative applications, mostly arising from fluid dynamics.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Prof. P. Ricci


  • Prof. P. Ricci

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