Open Fields Lunch: Landscape Habitats / HRC
Open Fields Lunch - Landscape Habitats
The Habitat Research Center is pleased to open its three research fields to discussion during three lunch seminars on Healthy Habitats, Productive Habitats and Landscape Habitats. Offering opportunities for interdisciplinary discussions around urbanization in Transition, the Open Fields Lunches aim to foster new collaborations within the EPFL scientific community.
Following the launched call, we are happy to announce the selected speakers for the last of the Open Fields Lunches series, on 'Landscape Habitats’:
- "Urban edges: giving places and habitats for transitions between the rural and the built metropolis", by Dr. Andréa Finger-Stich, Researcher and environmental consultant.
- "EIRA - Enhancing Infrastructure Resilience to flooding using Afforestation: the case of Nouakchott city, Mauritania", by Prof. Paolo Perona (HC-LCH, EPFL) Academic Director of the Hydraulic Constructions Platform, Civil Engineering Institute IIC, EPFL and Prof. Charlotte Grossiord (PERL, EPFL), Tenure Track Assistant Professor at Plant Ecology Research Laboratory, EPFL.
- "Modelling soil-plant-atmosphere processes in natural and urban landscapes", by Prof. Gabriele Manoli (IA ENAC, EPFL), Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Architecture IA, EPFL.
Practical information
- General public
- Free
- Habitat Research Center