Open Science Call – ETH Domain ORD program

Event details
Date | 01.04.2022 |
Category | Call for proposal |
The ETH Domain Open Research Data (ORD) Program consists of 5 measures to foster and improve ORD practices with the broader aim of advancing Open Science among ETH Domain researchers and institutions. The overall aim of the first measure of the ETH-Domain’s ORD Program is to support researchers engaging in or developing ORD practices with and for their community(-ies) and to assist these researchers in becoming Open Science leaders in their field(s).
The ETH Domain is launching two calls for applications.
Contribute projects
Funding for “contribute projects” aims at contributing to a piece of software, data, hardware, etc., which simplifies an established ORD practice, develops its research potential, or otherwise improves it; curating or otherwise improving available ORD. For example, by updating existing data to adapt it to the evolution of ORD practices or providing community services, such as the organization of a workshop or training, or coordination for the development of an ORD standard.
Funding is available for 12-month projects with an overall budget that must not exceed CHF 30’000.
Explore projects
Funding for “explore projects” aims at exploring/prototyping/building up ORD practices, which could foster and improve research capabilities and support research communities.
These projects should pave the way, inside, across and outside the ETH-Domain, for ORD practices sustainable in the future and with potential to be extensively adopted in many research and societal communities.
Funding is available for up to 18-month projects with an overall budget that must not exceed CHF 150’000.
In both calls, applications can be received from the six ETH Domain institutions: EPFL, ETHZ, PSI, WSL, Empa, Eawag.
Eligibility requirements and budget information can be found on the ETH-Domain’s ORD Program webpage.
How to apply: online application platform.
- Contribute projects: 1 April 2022 (17:00 CEST)
- Explore projects: 14 April 2022 (17:00 CEST)
Practical information
- General public
- Free