Open Source for Architects / CNPA


Event details

Date 16.03.2023
Hour 01:3005:30
Speaker Nicola Braghieri & Bernard Cache, Thomas Hächler & Ahmed Wael, Claire Kuang, Dion Moult, Nicolas Arellano & Ken Percy, Ophélie Vincendon, Maximilan Vomhoff & Romana Rust
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

CNPA Lab invites you to the Open Source for Architects Conference on emerging Open Source, Interoperability, Free Software & Open Standards in Architecture.
The conference is free and open to both EPFL community and external public. It will be held in English, in hybrid mode (EPFL Campus, Foyer SG + Zoom, ID : 614 2193 0542).
Register here

01:30pm – 02:00pm : Nicola Braghieri
& Bernard Cache, EPFL associate Professors at LAPIS Lab & CNPA Lab, EPFL
Welcome Speech. Free Software Ethics & Open Source Issues
02:00pm – 02:30pm : Claire Kuang, Architect and Software Engineer at Speckle, UK
Data Abstractions in AEC : Connecting all Industry Players with Speckle, the open-source Platform for 3D Data
02:30pm – 03:00pm : Thomas Hächler & Ahmed Wael, Research Assistants at CNPA Lab, EPFL
Breaking Interoperability Barriers In AEC Software through open-source Connectors
03:00pm – 03:30pm : Dion Moult, Architect and Emerging Digital Engineering Manager at Lendlease, Australia
The Open-Source Architecture Community. Towards BlenderBIM, a free & IFC-native Software for Architects
03:30pm – 04:00pm : Break
04:00pm – 04:30pm : Nicolas Arellano & Ken Percy, Research Team Leads at Carleton Immersive Media Studio, Canada
Building the Canada’s Digital Twin on the Web with the open-source Library IFC.js
04:30pm – 05:00pm : Ophélie Vincendon, Head of the BIM programme at the State of Geneva, Switzerland
State of Geneva : managing Buildings and Territory through open Standards
05:00pm – 05:30pm : Maximilian Vomhoff & Romana Rust, Head of Products and Business Development & Lead Computational Geometry at vyzn, Switzerland
Open Source in Switzerland – Impact on Practice and Academia, highlighted with relevant Project Examples
05:30pm : Cocktails

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free




Open Source Interoperability Free Software Open Standards Open BIM Architecture

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