Opening day for the new MAS in Urban and Territorial Design


Event details

Date 15.09.2021
Hour 10:3018:00
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
The ETH Zurich D-ARCH and EPFL ENAC-HRC are pleased to launch the joint post-graduate program Master for Advancies Studies in Urban and Territorial Design. Its first 21 participants will be welcomed on Wednesday, September 15th, at the Lausanne campus, where they will be fully enrolled for the fall semester. 

An opening conference is planned at 15:30 in the Foyer SG, after the morning introduction presentations. And shall be followed by welcoming words from the ETH Zürich Rector and EPFL Associate Vice Presidency, before a concluding convivial moment.
The new Master of Advanced Studies in Urban and Territorial Design embraces the ecological and socio-economic transition, as its main field of critical and imaginative investigation. Engaging with notions of transformation, reuse, regeneration, reparation, and transition of habitats and ecologies, the MAS UTD aims to deploy the urban and territorial project as the crucial field of knowledge production across scales. 

  • Campus EPFL Foyer SG and Learning Center 
  • Also on Zoom on registration

COVID certificate required:
  • Coffee-croissant limited up to 30 pers.
  • Closing apéro with music band limited up to 50 pers.


Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required
  • This event is internal


  • Habitat Research Center  EPFL-ENAC  ETH Zürich D-ARCH



MAS HRC Architecture

Event broadcasted in
