Organocatalysis and Central Chirality Playing Together for the Control of Axial and Helical Chiralities

Event details
Date | 25.11.2022 |
Hour | 16:15 › 17:15 |
Speaker |
Prof. Jean Rodriguez
Aix Marseille Université, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires de Marseille, Marseille, France |
Location |
Génopode C
Category | Conferences - Seminars |
Event Language | English |
Organocatalysis and Central Chirality Playing Together for the Control
of Axial and Helical Chiralities
Prof. Jean Rodriguez
Aix-Marseille Université, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires de Marseille (iSm2)
Service 531, campus de St Jérôme, 13013 Marseille (France)
The presentation will be devoted to our recent efforts toward the development of new enantioselective organocatalyzed synthetic sequences involving the reactivity of functionalized pronucleophiles such as 1,2-dicarbonyl, 1,3-dicarbonyl and phenol derivatives. [1]
A special focus will be given on covalent and non-covalent organocatalytic activation modes with various bifunctional organocatalyst triggering the stereocontrol of both centrally,[2] axially[3] and helically[4] chiral polyfunctionalized systems.
of Axial and Helical Chiralities
Prof. Jean Rodriguez
Aix-Marseille Université, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires de Marseille (iSm2)
Service 531, campus de St Jérôme, 13013 Marseille (France)
The presentation will be devoted to our recent efforts toward the development of new enantioselective organocatalyzed synthetic sequences involving the reactivity of functionalized pronucleophiles such as 1,2-dicarbonyl, 1,3-dicarbonyl and phenol derivatives. [1]
A special focus will be given on covalent and non-covalent organocatalytic activation modes with various bifunctional organocatalyst triggering the stereocontrol of both centrally,[2] axially[3] and helically[4] chiral polyfunctionalized systems.
[1]. a) For a concept article, see: D. Bonne, T. Constantieux, Y. Coquerel, J. Rodriguez, Chem. Eur. J., 2013, 19, 2218; b) for a recent monograph, see: Stereoselective multiple bond-forming transformations in organic synthesis. D. Bonne, J. Rodriguez Eds, Wiley-VCH, 2015; c) A. Quintard, D. Cheshmedzhieva, M. del Mar Sanchez Duque, A. Gaudel-Siri, J.-V. Naubron, Y. Génisson, J.-C. Plaquevent, X. Bugaut, J. Rodriguez, T. Constantieux. Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 778.
[2]. a) S. Goudedranche, X. Bugaut, T. Constantieux, D. Bonne, J. Rodriguez. Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 410 ; b) C. Sasso D’Elia, S. Goudedranche, T. Constantieux, M. Bella, D. Bonne, J. Rodriguez Adv. Synth. Cat. 2017, 359, 3638 ; c) Y.-L. Wei, Y. Ren, D. Mailhol, M. Rajzmann, J. Rodriguez, Y. Coquerel, Adv. Synth. Cat. 2019, 361, 2992 ; d) Y. Zhou, Y.-L. Wei, J. Rodriguez, Y. Coquerel Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 456 ; e) R. Beaud, B. Michelet, Y. Reviriot, A. Martin-Mingot, J. Rodriguez, D. Bonne, S. Thibaudeau, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 1279.
[3]. a) O. Quinonero, M. Jean, N. Vanthuyne, C. Roussel, D. Bonne, T. Constantieux, C. Bressy, X. Bugaut, J. Rodriguez, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 1401; b) V. S. Raut, M. Jean, N. Vanthuyne, C. Roussel, T. Constantieux, C. Bressy, X. Bugaut, D. Bonne, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 2140 ; c) X. Bao, J. Rodriguez, D. Bonne, Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 403. Y.-L. Wei, G. Dauvergne, J. Rodriguez, Y. Coquerel, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 16921.
[4]. P. Liu, X. Bao, J.-V. Naubron, S. Chentouf, S. Humbel, N. Vanthuyne, M. Jean, L. Giordano, J. Rodriguez, D. Bonne J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 16199.
Practical information
- General public
- Free
- Prof. Jieping Zhu
- Prof. Jieping Zhu