POB seminar - Nathan Ronceray - "Surprising fluorescence of a 2D crystal in liquid: from fundamentals of quantum emitters to applications in nanofluidics"


Event details

Date 11.04.2023
Hour 18:1520:15
Speaker Nathan Ronceray
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) is pleased to invite you to our monthly POB (Pizza-Optics-Beer) seminar! It is set to take place on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at 18:15 in CM 0 10.
For organizational purposes, please register for the event using this doodle before April 11, 2023.
This month, Nathan Ronceray will give a talk on his work "Surprising fluorescence of a 2D crystal in liquid: from fundamentals of quantum emitters to applications in nanofluidics" :

Hexagonal boron nitride is a layered two-dimensional crystal with a wide band-gap (6 eV), which means it should not interact with visible light (~2 eV) to produce photoluminescence. However, we found that when this crystal is placed in (non-fluorescent) liquids such as ethanol, fluorescent point emitters appear at its surface. I will present our investigation of this strange phenomenon, which we attribute to the activation of native surface defects by the binding of liquid molecules, producing bright single-photon (quantum) emitters. Super-resolution imaging of the emitters reveals the motion of molecules from defect to defect, while their spectra and lifetimes show sensitivity to their dielectric environment. We further exploit these couplings with the environment to sense liquid flows, solvent changes, electric fields and nanoconfinement.

Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06287


You don't know POBs?
POBs (Pizza-Optics-Beer) are monthly seminars organized by the student association EPFL Photonics Chapter.
A PhD or a postdoc gives a 20-minutes presentation about his/her research in photonics. Discussions continue informally around pizza and beers!
The event is free and open to anyone.

We thank the Doctoral Program in Photonics (EPDO), the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE.), Optica and SwissPhotonics for their support.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free
  • This event is internal


  • EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC)


  • Mischa Flór, Elif Nur Dayi, Felix Wechsler, Li Zhang  


Photonics Optics Pizza Beers EPFL seminar

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