Probabilistic Deep Learning: Foundations, applications and open problems.


Event details

Date 31.10.2018
Hour 10:3011:30
Speaker Dr. Danilo Rezende
Category Conferences - Seminars

Advances in deep generative models are at the forefront of deep learning research because of the promise they offer for allowing data-efficient learning, and for model-based reinforcement learning. In this talk I’ll review the foundations of probabilistic reasoning and generative modeling. I will then introduce modern approximations which allow for efficient large-scale training of a wide variety of generative models, demonstrate a few applications of these models to density estimation, missing data imputation, data compression and planning. Finally, I will discuss some of the open problems in the field.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • IPG Seminar (Olivier Lévêque)  

