"S-matrix bootstrap for large N confining gauge theories"


Event details

Date 04.12.2017
Hour 14:00
Speaker Prof. Amit Sever
(University of Tel Aviv and CERN)
Category Conferences - Seminars

In the talk I'll consider theories of weakly interacting higher spin particles in flat spacetime. We will focus on the four-point scattering amplitude at high energies and imaginary scattering angles. Both, the leading asymptotic of the amplitude and the first sub-leading correction in this regime turn out to be universal. The leading asymptotic is equal to the corresponding limit of the Veneziano amplitude. We will compute the first sub-leading correction using a model of relativistic strings with massive endpoints and argue that it is unique using holography, the effective theory of long strings and bootstrap techniques.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free




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