Scattering Amplitudes and Worldsheet Models of QFTs

Event details
Date | 13.02.2017 |
Hour | 14:00 › 15:30 |
Speaker | Ricardo Monteiro |
Location | |
Category | Conferences - Seminars |
I will describe recent progress on the study of scattering amplitudes via ambitwistor strings and the scattering equations. Ambitwistor strings are worldsheet models of quantum field theories, inspired by string theory. They naturally lead to a representation of amplitudes based on the scattering equations. While worldsheet models and related ideas have had a wide-ranging impact on the modern study of amplitudes, their direct application at loop level is a very recent success. I will show how a major difficulty in the loop-level story, the technicalities of higher-genus Riemann surfaces, can be avoided by turning the higher-genus surface into a nodal Riemann sphere, with the nodes representing the loop momenta. I will present new formulas for the one-loop integrands of gauge theory and gravity, with or without supersymmetry, and also some two-loop results
Practical information
- General public
- Free
- João Penedones
- Corinne Weibel