Science and politics boot camp for young researchers


Event details

Date 07.09.2023
Hour 08:4516:15
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language French
Intensive training which gives you an overview of the basics of the Swiss political system in one day: you understand the workings of the Swiss political system and learn where and how to make your contribution effectively. Emphasis is placed on the transmission of the most important contents and on an intensive exchange on the topics “science and politics” and “participation in political and public debate”.

Skills covered in this course are:
  • Develop a practical understanding of the workings of Swiss political life;
  • Learn where and how you can get involved in the political process and who the relevant interest groups are;
  • Understand your role and that of politics in order to know how to intervene with confidence in the face of political actors.

This Boot Camp is organized by the Franxini project in collaboration with the Swiss Young Academy via the Swiss Young Network for Science Policy and Diplomacy (SYNESPOD) project .

Date: 07.09.2023

Place: House of Academies, Laupenstrasse 7, 3001 Bern

Time: 08:45 – 16:10

Programme: The program can be viewed here .

Target group: This training is intended for young researchers from all disciplines affiliated with a Swiss university and in the process of obtaining a doctorate or having obtained a doctorate from 2013. Language: The training is given in French .

Registration: Registration can be done under this link . The deadline for registration is September 5th. The maximum number of participants is 16.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free

