[seal]: Collaborative innovation projects in the field of digital trust and cybersecurity - Open Submission


Event details

Date 01.01.2025
Category Call for proposal

This brand-new funding program is a joint-initiative of EPFL, UNIL and HEIG-VD, supported by the Canton of Vaud. The 3 academic institutions have decided to combine their unique, complementary, and internationally recognized expertise, to address the many challenges related to digital trust and cybersecurity.

[seal] program aims to stimulate the collaboration between the three universities and accelerate the transfer of knowledge and technologies to the socio-economic fabric, by providing financial incentives to applied collaborative innovation projects. Funded projects must involve at least two academic partners (HEIG-VD, EPFL, University of Lausanne) and one implementation partner (company, non-profit organization, public administration).

Max grant amount: CHF 100,000
Max financing rate: 90% of eligible costs


If you have any questions or would like assistance in initiating a project, please contact [email protected].


Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


research funding

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