Seminar by Prof. Olof Ejermo, Lund University


Event details

Date 24.10.2019
Hour 12:0013:30
Speaker Prof. Olof Ejermo, Lund University
Category Conferences - Seminars
"Incubators, innovation and productivity"

The innovative effects of innovation programs have been notoriously difficult to capture in the literature. This paper contributes with quantitative evidence for individuals that have obtained support from the Swedish incubator program. In order to arrive at a plausibly causal effect, CEOs and employees are followed in a matched sample difference-in-differences setting using patents as our innovation indicator. Incubator CEOs are found to increase their patenting dramatically compared to before incubation and a matched control group. We also find a positive effect for employees, but this result is sensitive to specification and sample. Productivity evidence using wages reveal a positive effect for CEOs but a slight negative effect for employees. The main conclusion is that incubators stimulate innovation for individuals at the heart of business, which could be expected to result in long run growth effects.