Simplicial manifolds with small valence


Event details

Date 05.06.2015
Hour 14:1515:30
Speaker Florian Frick (TU Berlin)
CO 121
Category Conferences - Seminars
We will investigate combinatorial restrictions on manifold triangulations that have an interpretation in terms of sectional curvature: the valence of a face of codimension two is the number of facets it is contained in. We give a topological as well as a combinatorial classification of triangulations that are positively curved in the sense that they have small valence. We simplify the proof of a result of Brady, McCammond, and Meier that any closed and orientable 3-manifold has a triangulation with valence at most six and improve a result of Cooper and Thurston on the number of combinatorial types of vertex links needed to triangulate any closed orientable 3-manifold, which was independently observed by Kevin Walker. We will remark on applications to physics and chemistry, in particular, to crystallographic periodic foams. This is joint work with Frank Lutz and John M. Sullivan.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Kathryn Hess

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