Social Loft : Yves Dreier, Sophie Delhay / STUDIO DELHAY


Event details

Date 31.10.2023
Hour 10:0011:30
Speaker Yves Dreier Sophie Delhay
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language French

The Sophie Delhay Studio is pleased to welcome Yves Dreier, from the office Dreier Frenzel architecture + communication, for a public lecture as part of the autumn semester 2023 - La maison comme une ville.

Founded in 2008, the work of the Lausanne office Dreier Frenzel architeture + communication focuses on developing concepts through dialogue and exchange that do justice to the contemporary, diverse and also contradictory world. Their architectural activities go beyond the pure joy of building and are colored by experimental and theoretical approaches. Driven by a general desire for collaboration, their work is part of a broader societal context that helps define architecture as a fundamental part of building culture. The office understands architecture as a common good and acts accordingly, which earned them the Swiss Art Awards in 2016 and the Prize for Building Culture of the Canton of Vaud in 2020.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Domestic City Lab 


  • Romain Curnier

Event broadcasted in
