Sony Research Award Program | Research Funding


Event details

Date 15.09.2024
Category Call for proposal
Aim: The Sony Research Award Program is an open innovation program, providing sponsored research funding for projects on emerging and innovative technologies in collaboration with Sony Group's own research group.

The Faculty Innovation Award grants up to $100,000 USD to principal investigators for one year, for research projects that may fall within three broad subject categories (Information Technology, Devices & Materials, and Biomedical & Life Sciences) relevant to Sony's current research interests.

The Focused Research Award provides support for up to $150,000 USD for one year, to conduct research on 12 themes which is more focused in the areas of Sony's immediate interest.

Funding:        $100,000 - $150,000

Duration:        12 months

Eligibility: PIs must belong to a university, educational institution, or governmental/non-profit research institute. PIs must be a full-time professor (adjunct professors and adjunct researchers are not eligible) or researcher and be eligible to supervise Ph.D. students at the PI's institution. Full professors, associate professors, and assistant professors are eligible to apply. Full professors, associate professors, and assistant professors are eligible to apply. PIs located in Switzerland are eligible.

How to Apply: Submissions must be done through the online submission form, and should include a research plan, particularly highlighting deviation from the state-of-the-art, as well as PI contact details. It should fit within 10 pages. A one-page budget summary should also be included, including all project related costs as well as 40% OH (following EPFL’s rules), as well as a CV. Applicants should not include any confidential information in the proposal.

Deadline:        15 September 2024

Further information
  • More information about the program is available here
  • The application portal can be found here
  • For any other questions, please contact the Research Office

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free

Event broadcasted in
