[ Swiss Cancer League | Funding for scientific conference ]


Event details

Date 31.07.2022
Category Call for proposal

The Swiss Cancer Research foundation (since 1990) and the Swiss Cancer League (since 1910) work towards a world where fewer persons get cancer, fewer persons suffer the consequences and die of cancer, more persons are cured of cancer, and persons with cancer and their families receive care and support in all phases of cancer and in dying. Their main objective is to provide funding for all areas of cancer research: basic, clinical, epidemiology, psychosocial research and public health. A special focus is placed on funding patient-centred research projects that result in direct patient benefit.
The Swiss Cancer League / Swiss Cancer Research foundation can provide financial support for the organization of international scientific conferences for cancer related research. The conference must be held in Switzerland and have a clear interest in the development of research against cancer in Switzerland.

Funding: max. CHF 10’000

  • This threshold can be exceeded in well justified cases.
  • Eligible costs: costs incurred by the invited speakers’ travel and accommodation expenses.

Rolling call: submit at least 6 months prior to the start of the conference.
Decision: within 3-4 months.

  • Must include a scientific programme, the names of the main speakers scheduled, the nationalities and institutions of the expected attendees as well as a detailed budget including income and expenses.
  • A signed hardcopy of the online generated application must be mailed to the foundation and postmarked with the date on or before the deadline.

For further information, please have a look at the call webpage, the online grant application portal and the information sheet.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



research funding

Event broadcasted in
