[Swiss RE Foundation - Funding Requests | Research Funding]


Event details

Date 29.10.2018
Category Call for proposal

The Swiss Re Foundation accepts unsolicited funding requests within Swiss Re (a Zurich-based reinsurance company)’s focus areas (see description below) in Switzerland, in developing countries and in regions where Swiss Re has offices.
Focus areas:

  • Climate: help people adapt to climate change and adopt climate-friendly practices.
  • Natural Hazards: help poor communities prepare for, prevent and bounce back from natural disasters.
  • Society: address the big challenges facing the world today, from migration and urbanisation to rising longevity (e.g. with responsive robots and virtual physical therapy).
  • Water and Sanitation: as central to the survival of the planet and human beings.
The Foundation does NOT support events (unless related to a supported project), scholarships and fellowships.
Who can apply: research universities, think tanks, NGOs, social enterprises and foundations are eligible for funding.
Applications can be submitted all year round.
For more information and application, please have a look at the funder’s website, funded projects and partners.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



research funding

Event broadcasted in
