Synapsis Foundation | Research funding on dementia research


Event details

Date 25.06.2023
Category Call for proposal

The Synapsis Foundation was established to support research on dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders in Switzerland. They primarily focus on research into Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia. By pooling resources, they hope to have a lasting impact, one day hopefully leading to a cure for Alzheimer’s.

The foundation supports research into dementing illnesses and other neurodegenerative disorders conducted by scientists at Swiss universities and other research institutes with the aim of gaining new information on dementia.

The foundation places a particular emphasis on funding young, highly talented researchers. Targeted funding programmes enable the foundation to attract the best and most creative talented scientists to research neurodegenerative disorders and establish new research groups. 

About the call for proposals:

The foundation has recently launched its 2023 Call for Proposals. The call comprises two different funding programs:

  • Career Development Award:
This funding mechanism supports advanced postdoctoral researchers at Swiss universities and research institutions who seek to establish themselves as independent researchers in the field of dementia research. The goal of this award is to accelerate their transition to a faculty position in Switzerland or EMBO member countries.

The Synapsis Foundation Career Development Award consists of 2 phases:
  • Phase 1 is carried out as a postdoctoral fellow in a host laboratory.
  • Phase 2 supports the researcher in an independent faculty position.
Funding is a maximum of CHF 100’000 per year for up to four years (phase 1 and 2). Institutions may not charge indirect or overhead costs on this award.
  • Research Grant for Principal Investigators:
The aim of the grant is to support innovative projects of independent principal investigators at Swiss universities or public research institutions.

Funded projects are supported with up to CHF 300’000 for up to 3 years (e.g. CHF 100 ́000 per year for a three-year project). Institutions may not charge indirect or overhead costs on these awards.

Application and eligibility requirements:

For more information about the eligibility criteria of the applicants, please refer to the Call for Proposals 2023: Career Development Award and the Call for Proposals 2023: Research Grants for Principal Investigators guidelines.

All applications must be submitted by the principal investigator and completed in English, using the templates provided on the website. All relevant information must be compiled in a single pdf-file and must be submitted online via the submission tool.

  • 15 May 2023: Call for Proposals - FAQ Zoom Call
  • 25 June 2023: Deadline for submission of project proposals
  • End of November: Decision of the Board of Trustees on projects to be funded
  • 18 December 2023: Communication to applicants regarding funding/rejection of projects
  • January to March 2024: preparation and signing of the grant agreement

For more information have a look at the call webpage.  If you have questions regarding any aspects of the Call for Proposals 2023, please contact Heide Hess, Liaison Officer Research (, +41 44 276 40 6) or the EPFL Research Office (

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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