The Geography of Evils in the Paris Region / HRC


Event details

Date 15.12.2022
Hour 08:3010:30
Speaker Prof. Kaveh Rashidzadeh
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language French, English
Conversations de L'Atlas #1 

Geography of Evils in the Paris Region
Prof. Kaveh Rashidzadeh

The Habitat Research Center has been selected to carry out the Atlas de paysages de la Ville de Paris, as a proposed research-action questioning both the tools and stakes of territorial representations in the context of the socio-ecological Transition.First conversation in a serie of discussions on the Atlas of Landscapes of Paris. This event anticipates futur conversations and debats to be organised in coordination with the CAUE75.

Based on his research Geography of Evils proposes a method to look differently at the production of uneven geographical distribution of poverty concentrations in cities, using the concept of 'evils'. Contraty to the commun investigations of geography of persistent poverty that has mostly been done in terms of looking at the 'sensible' and 'underpriviliged' neighboords with the focus on looking at the 'presence' of what 'is there' but in harmful:'evil"(les maux ≠ le mal) and their production, intensification, accumnulation and distribution in this time and space. 

Kaveh Rashidzadeh is an Assistant professor at the Department of Landscape Architecture and Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Shahid Beheshti University SBU

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Habitat Research Center




Atlas of Landscape Cartography mapping evil Paris
