Topological complexity: a product formula


Event details

Date 12.05.2015
Hour 14:0015:00
Speaker Paul-Eugène Parent (Ottawa)
CM 09
Category Conferences - Seminars
In 2003, Michael Farber introduced the notion of topological complexity TC(X) for the motion planning problem in robotics. In his words this non-negative integer TC(X) measures discontinuity of the process of motion planning in the configuration space X. Very rapidly one notices that it is in fact a homotopy invariant which can be very effectively studied using tools developed for the computation of another homotopy invariant: the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of a space X.

In this talk, we will give a small survey of recent results. Moreover, while working over the rational numbers we will exhibit new computational examples (joint work with my student Gabrielle Poirier) and give a product formula for an approximation to TC(X).

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Kathryn Hess

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