Ultra-reliable low-latency wireless 5G networks with a focus on software-based private 5G network


Event details

Date 26.08.2024
Hour 09:3011:30
Speaker Arman Maghsoudnia
Category Conferences - Seminars
EDIC candidacy exam
Exam president: Prof. Katerina Argyraki
Thesis advisor: Prof. Haitham Hassanieh
Co-examiner: Prof. Sanidhya Kashyap

Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) was introduced in 5G to meet the demanding requirements of latencies as low as 0.5ms and reliability of 99.999 for specific applications. Despite over a decade of discussions on URLLC, achieving these standards in real-world implementations remains challenging. We argue that it is unclear if and how URLLC can be attained and a holistic system-level perspective that addresses all the system's inherent bottlenecks is needed. Inspired by a real-world 5G testbed, we aim for a comprehensive vision to achieve latency requirements by outlining the necessary design choices across all system layers, including the processing and radio units.

Despite over a decade of discussions and research on URLLC, practical deployments remain elusive. The key challenges lie in achieving stringent requirements and ensuring scalability in real-world applications. Practical implementations often fall short of meeting the high reliability and low latency standards necessary for URLLC, and they struggle to scale effectively across diverse environments and use cases.

Additionally, much of the theoretical research in this area tends to overlook the broader system-level perspective. Instead, it often focuses narrowly on specific components or aspects of the system. This fragmented approach results in a lack of holistic solutions that integrate seamlessly into existing infrastructure and meet the comprehensive demands of URLLC. Consequently, a significant gap exists between theoretical advancements and practical, deployable URLLC solutions, hindering the technology's adoption and implementation in real-world scenarios.

We aim to cover this gap by providing a comprehensive view of the system and trying to deploy a feasible solution to achieve URLLC.

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EDIC candidacy exam
