Watching matter in real time with X-ray Free Electron Lasers


Event details

Date 04.06.2015
Hour 16:30
Speaker Dr Marco Cammarata, University of Rennes 1, France
Category Conferences - Seminars
Time resolved optical methods have revolutionized the understanding of the dynamic aspect of matter. Unfortunately these methods provide only indirect information on the structural changes that accompany the electronic reorganization, thus the need of more direct structural probes.

Scattering and absorption of X-rays have been used in the last century to obtain more and more precise structural informations. In this presentation I will show how mastering the quick-tempered X-ray Free Electron Lasers can provide  < 100 fs time resolution and very good signal to noise.

Examples of the coherent structural dynamics in a Spin Crossover compound and the local/global structural changes of a model protein (Myoglobin) will be discussed.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Dr Frank van Mourik
