Workshop for mentors (morning)


Event details

Date 28.03.2023
Hour 09:0012:00
Speaker Ms Stefanie Reetz
Category Internal trainings
Event Language English

As mentors, students may come to you in times of crisis and relational difficulties. The desire to help can be strong, while finding the right approach to intervene as a third party may be daunting. What can you do to contribute to a satisfactory resolution and what are the pitfalls to avoid? This workshop will provide you with insights on the relational dynamics of conflict situations, help you position the frame work for any intervention as a mentor and third party, and give you an opportunity to practice hands-on so you may feel equipped to act and/or advise.


Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required
  • This event is internal


  • Learning & Development Team


Event broadcasted in
