Workshop on Advanced Polymer-Derived Ceramics
Event details
Date | 28.04.2021 |
Hour | 10:15 › 15:30 |
Speaker | Invited Speakers: Emanuel Ionescu (TU Darmstadt, Germany) and Paolo Colombo (Universita’ di Padova, Italy) |
Location | Online |
Category | Conferences - Seminars |
You are welcome to join our online workshop on “High-precision micro-manufacturing of ceramics”. The two sessions will gather experts from academia and industry to present and discuss the latest trends in the field of polymer derived ceramic technology (PDC). The workshop is part of the Ceramic X.0 project that receives funding from the ETH Board via the Strategic Focus Area Advanced Manufacturing (SFA-AM). Participating partners come from EPFL (LMIS1, LAPD, LO), Empa (LB, LHPC) and PSI (LSC).
The SFA-AM Ceramic X.0 project focuses on:
- PDC materials suitable for micro-meter precision
- Preceramic polymers (PCPs) modification for property tuning
- 3D shaping technologies for PDC materials
- Micro-casting of PCPs into micro-molds
- Pyrolysis
- Characterization of the ceramic micro-parts, including by X-ray
- Benchmark properties in view of selected applications, including biocompatibility
The agenda of the workshop is split into a morning and an afternoon session. Each session will be opened by an invited speaker, followed by presentations by the Ceramic X.0 project partners. To enable outreach and networking, we will set up at the end of the workshop pitches, where interested industry can present their activities in the field of high precision ceramics.
The workshop will be held online (by ZOOM), is free of charge to attend, but registration is required.
Date: April 28th, 2021 (online)
Target audience: students, PhD students, postdocs, researchers, engineers, general public
Why attend? Learn about the potential of high-precision ceramic technology, network with researchers and industry representatives
Moderator: Malgorzata Grazyna Makowska (PSI, Switzerland)
Welcome and workshop opening
Juergen Brugger (EPFL, Switzerland)
INVITED TALK 1 (see attached file for the abstract and resume):
Advanced Polymer-derived Ceramics and Nanocomposites with Tailor-Made Structural and Functional Properties
Emanuel Ionescu (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
3D printing of oxide and non-oxide ceramics
Gurdial Blugan (Empa, Switzerland)
Cytocompatibility evaluation of doped PDCs for pacemaker electrodes
Yashoda Chandorkar (Empa, Switzerland)
Additive manufacturing by two-photon polymerization and ablation of PDCs
Georgia (Maya) Konstantinou (EPFL, Switzerland)
Lunch break
Moderator: Georgia (Maya) Konstantinou (EPFL, Switzerland)
INVITED TALK 2 (see attached file for the abstract and resume):
Additive Manufacturing of preceramic polymers
Paolo Colombo (Universita’ di Padova, Italy)
PDC property tuning and dedicated platform for electrochemical characterization
Lorenz Hagelüken and Pierrick Clement (EPFL, Switzerland)
Combining various synchrotron techniques for structural analysis of Polymer Derived Ceramics
Malgorzata Grazyna Makowska (PSI, Switzerland)
Industry presentations
Key requirements for ceramic AM processes in dentistry
Zoe Koelbing (Additive Manufacturing Engineer at Institut Straumann AG, Switzerland)
Multi Material 3D printing with LCM
Christoph Hofstetter (Materials and Process Manager, Lithoz GmbH, Austria)
Wrap-up and closing of workshop
Practical information
- General public
- Registration required
- Juergen Brugger/Pierrick Clément