Workshop on Neuromorphic Photonics


Event details

Date 27.04.2023 28.04.2023
Hour 09:0017:00
Speaker Several speakers
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

EPFL and Swissphotonics are organizing a two-day workshop on Neuromorphic Photonics. Usually these workshops attract an audience of about 40-60 people with a strong industry participation and are a good occasion for stimulating discussions.

Day 1 - Complex Lasers: from control to neuromorphic computation 
We will cover theory and experimental evidence relating to individual lasers and coupled modes in nanolasers. We will also discuss complex laser networks and laser controls, and how this may be used to implement photonic neuromorphic computing. The first day is organized by Riccardo Sapienza (Imperial College London) and Kirsten Moselund (EPFL and PSI) in the framework of our joint project CORAL


Day 2 - Optical Computing: emerging approaches and applications
Research in photonic computing has accelerated in the last couple of years and is now increasingly considered for machine learning thanks to its intrinsic scalability, speed, and low power consumption. Several companies have been founded in the last couple of years to harness the potential of optics for computing. Algorithms running on such new hardware have the potential to address the growing demand for machine learning and artificial intelligence in areas such as medical diagnosis, telecommunications, and high-performance and scientific computing. The purpose of Day two of this two-day workshop is to bring the most up to date development in this exciting field, from both leading Academics and Companies. It is organized by Prof. Christophe Moser (EPFL).


The participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory, separately for the two days.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


  • EPFL & Swissphotonics
