Enzyme Engineering: Bright Strategies from Theory and Experiments


Event details

Date 27.06.2016 29.06.2016
Hour 09:0013:00
Speaker A range of experts in the domain
Speakers: The list of speakers will include
Teresa Head-Gordon, Berkeley
Andreas Arnell, Lonza, UK
Nihan Celebi Olcum, Yeditepe University, Turkey
Bruno Correia, EPFL
Vassily Hatzimanikatis, EPFL
Kai Johnsson, EPFL
Category Conferences - Seminars
Due to their high intrinsic complexity, it is often difficult to understand how enzymes function and control the selectivity of numerous reactions. In spite of the fact that there has been an enormous progress in the field of experimental protein design and engineering, there are still many vital aspects that remain poorly understood. It is crucial to
(a) develop computational protocols that can reliably describe and predict enzymatic function,
(b) identify the mechanistic aspects and molecular determinants of the enzymatic process and
(c) develop computational tools that can efficiently scan sequence space in the search for optimal biocatalysts.


Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required


  • Esra Bozkurt, Ursula Roethlisberger

