Metabolic control of aging


Event details

Date 10.04.2017
Hour 13:3014:30
Speaker Michael RISTOW ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Category Conferences - Seminars
SEMINAR SERIES :  Trends in Physiology and Metabolism (Bio-682)

Processing and intermediate metabolism of macronutrients are essential components of any life. Facultative or obligatory conversion of carbohydrates as well as fatty and amino acids into readily available energy equivalents like ATP are tightly regulated. Our interest is focused on the role of specific amino acids and glucose metabolites on nematodal and murine lifespan. Downstream oxidative metabolism of fatty and amino acids, as well as glycolytic derivatives like pyruvate occurs in the mitochondria. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are considered inevitable by-product of mitochondrial metabolism, and are known to exert diverse signaling roles since the late 1990ies.  We and others have shown since then that increased ROS formation is required for extension of C. elegans lifespan in states of calorie restriction, impaired insulin/IGF-1 signaling in daf-2 mutants, inhibition of components of the respiratory chain, and lastly sirtuin/sir-2.1 signaling.  Conversely, supplementation of antioxidants or overexpression of ROS-detoxifying enzymes to impair ROS signaling blocks the lifespan-extending capabilities of the aforementioned interventions and genetic modifications.  These health-promoting roles of ROS have been named mitohormesis and also apply to humans.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Prof. Lluis Fajas (UNIL), Prof. Kei Sakamoto (NIHS) and Prof. Kristina Schoonjans (EPFL)

