2nd SV Core Facilities Minisymposium


Event details

Date 12.05.2015
Hour 13:3018:00
Speaker Marc Chambon (Biomolecular Screening), Florence Pojer (Protein Crystallography), Graham Knott (Bioelectron Microscopy), Arne Seitz (Bioimaging-Optics), Jessica Dessimoz (Histology), Alessandra Piersigilli (Pathology), Miguel Garcia (Cytometry), Marc Moniatte (Proteomics), Bastien Mangeat (Gene Expression), Jacques Rougemont (Bioinformatics), Isabelle Barde (Transgenesis), Raphaël Doenlen (Phenotyping Unit), David Hacker (Protein Expression)
Category Conferences - Seminars

We would like to invite you to participate to the second SV Core Facility Minisymposium, which will take place during the afternoon of May 12, 2015, in SV 1717 A.
This will be a great occasion to get updated on the various methodologies and services, which the core facilities at SV offer to the wider life science community at EPFL.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Faculty SV


  • Dr Harald Hirling


core facilities minisymposium

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