A Framework for data-driven Control with Guarantees: Analysis, MPC and Robust Control

Event details
Date | 14.06.2021 |
Hour | 10:40 › 12:30 |
Speaker | Prof. Frank Allgöwer |
Location | Online |
Category | Conferences - Seminars |
As part of the summer school "Foundations and mathematical guarantees of data-driven control", we would like to announce the talk by Prof. Frank Allgöwer entitled "A Framework for data-driven Control with Guarantees: Analysis, MPC and Robust Control".
Abstract: In this lecture, a unitary framework for data-driven control theory is presented, which does not rely on explicit model knowledge but still allows to give desirable theoretical guarantees. The framework relies on a result from behavioral systems theory, where it was shown that one data trajectory can be used to parametrize all further trajectories of an unknown linear system. Three concrete applications of the framework are presented in the form of easily implementable yet mathematically sound system analysis and controller design techniques: 1) a simple method to verify dissipativity properties of linear systems based on input-output data, 2) data-driven model predictive control schemes with guaranteed closed-loop stability for linear and nonlinear systems, and 3) a robust control-based approach for data-driven analysis and control of linear and nonlinear systems.
Practical information
- General public
- Free
- This event is internal