A Mixed Semiclassical Initial Value Representation Time-averaging Method for Spectroscopic Calculations


Event details

Date 25.06.2015
Hour 16:0017:30
Speaker Prof. Michele Ceotto, Universita degli studi di Milano
Category Conferences - Seminars
The initial value representation semiclassical propagator (SC-IVR) is still missing applications to many dimensional complex system. In this talk I will introduce a novel mixed semiclassical propagator with the time-averaging filtering [1-10] for the calculations of spectroscopic properties of complex systems. This propagator is well suited for system-bath models and it employs the coherent states embedded Herman-Kluk approximation for the systems and the thawed gaussian one for the bath degrees of freedom.[11-13]

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Max Buchholz, Frank Grossmann, and Michele Ceotto

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  • Prof. Jiri Vanicek


  • Prof. Jiri Vanicek



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