A morning to protect the river Sorge from the invader


Event details

Date 01.07.2024 18.10.2024
Hour 09:0012:00
Rivière Sorge
Category Miscellaneous
Event Language French, English
From July 1 to October 18, 2024, the Association pour la sauvegarde du Léman (ASL) is organizing a number of actions to promote biodiversity on the EPFL campus. Give a few hours of your time to help maintain a balance between species and combat invasive neophyte plants.

With several 3-hour sessions on offer on summer and autumn mornings, ASL is launching a major operation to remove Japanese knotweed, a particularly invasive species. Its rapid growth allows it to gain up to 8 centimetres a day, and 3 metres in a few weeks. As a result, it quickly takes over the whole area, overshadowing native plants. What's more, it doesn't suffer from any parasites in our latitudes, grows back easily from a centimetre of stem or root, and emits toxic substances that limit the development of other species.

For more information and to register, see the page devoted to Japanese knotweed on the ASL website.
See also the page devoted to the subject on the EPFL Sustainability website.

Around the EPFL campus, actions will take place on the following dates:

Sorge downstream
  • Monday, July 1: 9am-12pm
  • Friday, July 26:  9am-12pm
  • Frinda, August 23: 9am-12pm
  • Wednesday, September 18: full
  • Wednesday, October 9: 9am-12pm
Sorge upstream
  • Monday, July 8 : 9am-12pm
  • Monday, August 5 : 9am-12pm
  • Friday, August 30: 9am-12pm
  • Wednesday, September 25: 9am-12pm
  • Friday, October 18: 9am-12pm
The meeting place will be specified in the confirmation e-mail sent after registration.


Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


  • Unité Durabilité


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