Advancements in CO2 capture with the use of liquid amines, solid sorbents and membranes


Event details

Date 10.10.2019
Hour 16:0017:00
Speaker Dr. Paul-Emmanuel JUST
Shell Technology Center Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
Category Conferences - Seminars
ChE-606 - Highlights in Energy Research seminar series
Mitigation of anthropogenic CO2 has become a global challenge to prevent the negative consequences associated with high atmospheric CO2concentration. The International Energy Agency shows that in the transition towards a future energy system with substantial lower carbon footprint, CO2 capture from the industry and power sector followed by storage or utilization is one of the important mitigation measures to reduce global CO2 emissions. The Carbon Capture and Storage or Utilization value chain (CCUS) is currently operational globally in several industries and at small to large (> 1 Mtpa CO2) scale. Cost reduction by technology development is one of the levers that could support economic viability of implementation of the CCUS value chain at the scale required. The CO2 Capture and Compression block is an important cost driver in the CC(U)S value chain. Advancements in three different capture technologies for post-combustion will be discussed: aqueous amine solvents, whichcurrently represent the state of the art technology and often used as reference case for comparison of emerging technologies, adsorption processes using a fluidized solid adsorbent and membrane separation processes.

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