An Albanese construction for Campana's C-pairs


Event details

Date 08.12.2022
Hour 10:1511:45
Speaker Stefan Kebekus (University of Freiburg)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Almost twenty years ago, Campana introduced C-pairs to complex geometry. Interpolating between compact and non-compact geometry, C-pairs capture the notion of "fractional positivity" in the "fractional logarithmic tangent bundle". Today, they are an indispensible tool in the study of hyperbolicity, higher-dimensional birational geometry and several branches of arithmetic geometry.
This talk reports on joint work with Erwan Rousseau. Aiming to construct a "C-Albanese variety", we clarify the notion of a "morphism of C-pairs" and discuss the beginnings of a Nevanlinna theory for "orbifold entire curves". 

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Stefano Filipazzi


  • Monique Kiener (if you want to attend to the seminar by zoom, please contact me, and I'll give you the link)

Event broadcasted in
