"Anisotropic random matrices"


Event details

Date 23.03.2015
Hour 11:1512:15
Speaker Prof. Antti KNOWLES (ETHZ)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Most of the literature on random matrices focuses on matrix models that are isotropic in the sense that their Green functions are with high probability close to a multiple of the identity matrix. Such models include Wigner matrices, Erdos-Renyi graphs, and random band matrices.

I talk about matrix models that are not isotropic. An prominent family of examples is provided by sample covariance matrices whose underlying population has nontrivial correlations. I present a new method that yields local laws for such anisotropic models. Applications include the proof of the Tracy-Widom statistics near the edges, as well as the distribution of the eigenvectors.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Prof. Ph. Michel


  • Prof. Ph. Michel

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