Answering questions using ultrafast pulses of electrons and photons


Event details

Date 06.03.2015
Hour 14:15
Speaker Prof. Fabrizio Carbone, LUMES, Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, EPFL
Category Conferences - Seminars
In this seminar, we review few results obtained by means of ultrafast optical and electron-based techniques in condensed matter physics.
We will introduce the general concepts behind ultrafast experiments and show examples involving high-temperature superconductors, magnetic materials and nano structures. 
Strong on-site Coulomb repulsions govern the physics of several complex oxydes. In particular, multiferroic materials, high-temperature superconductors, charge and orbitally ordered insulators among others, belong to this family of compounds. Spectroscopically, valuable information comes from the quantification of the coupling parameters between low-energy excitations, such as phonons or spin-waves, and the high energy charge-transfer or Mott-Hubbard electronic states. The results of our recent studies on high-temperature superconductors and insulating magnetic oxides will be discussed in which information on such a coupling is  obtained via the Impulsive Stimulated Raman Scattering mechanism. The resonance between the many-body ground state responsible for the electronic properties of these materials, and the Charge-Transfer or Mott gap will be discussed.

Bio: Master degree: University of Pavia "optoelectronic engineering". September 2001.
Reasearch scientist at Pirelli Labs, Milan Italy between September 2000 and August 2002.
PhD in condensed matter physics from the University of Geneva, prof. van der Marel gorup. January 2007
Post doc in physical chemistry at Caltech in prof. Zewail`s group. March 2007-April 2009

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • ICMP (Arnaud Magrez and Raphaël Butté)

