[ Asian Funding and Scientific Collaboration Opportunities - Korea | Information event ]


Event details

Date 16.03.2021
Category Call for proposal

Sponsored by EPFL’s Research Office and International Affairs Teams

Aim:  to promote bilateral funding and scientific collaboration/exchange opportunities between EPFL scientists and their Asian counterparts (specifically: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore) in support of EPFL’s three missions:  Education, Research and Innovation.

Event Description: 

  • “State” representative/minister from each of the five respective countries: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore;
  • Swiss counterparts from the SNSF Interdisciplinary and International Co-operation division and the Leading House Asia ETH Zurich
  • Jan Hesthaven (Vice President of Academic Affairs) and Olivier Küttel (Head of International Affairs) will provide opening and closing remarks.
Target Audience:  EPFL Professors, Students and Staff
Target Dates:  Beginning the week of 16 March 2021, each approximately one-hour session will include information on funding and collaborative opportunities; one country per session
  • Korea:              Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 09h00
  • Japan:              Tuesday, 30 March 2021, 09h00
  • Singapore:        Tuesday, 06 April 2021, 09h00
  • China:               Tuesday, 13 April 2021, 09h00
  • Hong Kong:      Tuesday, 27 April 2021, 09h00
Session Format:  Remote Conference, Zoom platform; sessions will be recorded and accessible to members of the EPFL community only (Gaspar protected).
Session Agenda: 

09h00: Welcome by Jan Hesthaven, vice President of Academic Affairs, EPFL
09h03:  Overview & Objectives by Olivier Küttel, Head of International Affairs, EPFL
09h05:  Swiss Embassy / swissnex by Dr Alessandra Apicella
09h15:  Leading House Asia ETH Zurich by Elise Nardin, International Affairs, Office of the President
09h20:  SNSF by Andrea Landolt
09H25: National Research Foundation, Korea (NRF-Korea) by Dr Jong-Deok Kim
09h45: Q&A from all participants (we ask that participants let us know if they have any particular question, topic, etc. in the registration)
10h00: Closing Remarks by Olivier Küttel, Head of International Affairs, EPFL

Materials to be distributed:  Listing of Asian Funding Opportunities and Institutions arranged in alphabetical order/country.

Registration: https://forms.gle/vuvCBtM2sz8hHgqK6

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required



information session

Event broadcasted in
